PEOPLE in Middlesbrough are being invited to start the year with a new kind of fitness activity.

Beginning on Tuesday, Southlands Leisure Centre, in Ormesby Road, will be the first leisure centre in the area to offer fitball sessions, in which people work out with a Space-Hopper look-a-like ball.

Using the ball improves muscle tone, balance and co-ordination and is good for the development or restoration of flexibility and enhancement of posture.

Sessions cost £2.30 for members and £2.95 for non-members. They will be held on Tuesdays, from 7pm to 8pm, Wednesdays, from 10am to 11am, and Thursdays, from 7pm to 8pm. Places are limited. To book a place contact (01642) 300428.

l Southlands Leisure Centre will be running taster sessions on Sunday, from 1pm to 5.45pm. A variety of activities will be on offer, including fitball tone and salsa dance classes. There is also a creche for children aged from nine months to five years. Places can be booked by calling the centre