JUSTICE was brought to a halt at one of the North-East's crown court buildings as a result of the current cold spell.

Frozen pipes resulted in the cancellation of proceedings at Durham Crown Court yesterday.

The list for both court sittings was switched to the modern Newcastle Crown Court complex, on the Quayside.

Court officials took the decision to move on Thursday after an overnight drop in temperatures left the 1820-built courthouse, which adjoins Durham Prison, without any running water.

Thursday's short list was quickly disposed of, but, with a longer schedule for Friday, it was decided to transfer all hearings, rather than have up to 50 people attending the Old Elvet court buildings with no running water in the toilets or canteen.

Acting court manager Paul Hann said: "We did not want to take the chance of having that many people using the court when there was no water supply.

"The best information we had was that it was likely to have been a pipe, or pipes, connecting the supply from the mains into the building, which had frozen.

"Overnight temperatures were pretty low. We are told it got as low as minus six. It is the first time I can remember it happening in my 11 years here."

Mr Hann said the pipes had thawed by yesterday, so justice is scheduled to resume at Durham on Monday.