TWO thugs who launched a late-night attack after a row broke out in the street have been jailed.

Peter Elliott, former vice-chairman of the Medomsley Residents' Association, near Consett, County Durham, was beaten to the ground and knocked unconscious by Martin Anderson, 24, and Ashley Brumwell, 18, last May.

Newcastle Crown Court heard how the pair had been walking a dog when Mr Elliott spotted them in the street.

When Mr Elliott approached the pair, after one of them made an insulting gesture, he was attacked.

Mr Elliott was left with a print from the sole of a trainer on the side of his face and suffered bruising.

Anderson and Brumwell were arrested and told police it had been Mr Elliott who started the violence.

Judge Peter Armstrong jailed the pair for six months each. He said: "Clearly there was a history between you."

Anderson, formerly of South Magdalene, Medomsley, and Brumwell, of Old Hall Road, Consett, pleaded guilty to assault at an earlier hearing.