Q I have just started reading your column, where I have learned about minimum income guarantee. Could it apply to me? Since my husband died 18 months ago, I have been struggling to live on a retirement pension of £65 a week, out of which I pay council tax.

A No one in your situation should be living on £65 a week. You are due minimum income guarantee of £27.15 a week and should not be paying council tax.

Q Our retirement pensions are £352.84 and £192.24 monthly and my works pension is £224.79 a month. As well as £10,000 in National Savings, we have shares that gave us £114 this year. Can we get a rebate on our council tax of £840 a year?

A It is the value of shares, not the income, that matters, so I cannot be precise. But if they are valued at any thing under £4,000 it is worth claiming.

Q My wage is £380 a month and my wife's is £60 a week. I also have a monthly works pension of £153. Can we get a rebate on our council tax of £737.82 a year?

A Age makes a big difference. If either of you is 60 or over you get council tax benefit of £7.76 a week. Otherwise you get nothing.

Q We are both 62. My husband has middle rate care Disability Living Allowance plus Incapacity Benefit of £79.33 and industrial injuries of £46.16 a week. My Invalid Care Allowance (ICA) is reduced to £15.65 a week because of retirement pension of £27.88. I also have a works pension of £112 monthly and savings of £7,200. Can our council tax of £63 a month and our rent of £50.12 a week be reduced?

A Yes. As a carer with ICA you get special rates which will give you council tax benefit of £5.15 a week and reduce your basic weekly rent to £22.65.

Q What will happen to my husband's incapacity benefit and industrial injuries disablement benefit when he gets a retirement pension at 65?

A Incapacity benefit will be lost. Industrial injuries paid for a percentage disability remains unchanged but reduced earnings allowance would be cut