A VILLAGE'S last remaining green space would be under threat if housing for the elderly was built on part of the site, a planning inspector was told.

People in High Pittington, near Durham, regard the two-acre refurbished former colliery land as their village green, a public inquiry heard.

Durham Aged Mineworkers' Homes Association (Damha) wants to build eight two-bedroomed homes for the over-50s on a third of the Coalford Lane site.

The association is appealing against refusal of planning permission by Durham City Council.

Members of the council's development control committee went against their officers' recommendation and rejected the application, following a site visit last June.

Damha lodged the appeal, claiming there was sufficient demand for the housing, while stating its belief that the site was a suitable location for such a development.

But, the hearing was told, the application is not popular among villagers.

Pittington Parish Council, which has applied to have the open space registered as a village green, opposes the proposed complex.

Parish clerk Peter McCutcheon said it had been a well-used public open space going back beyond living memory.

"It is the only remaining piece of green open area in the village and has been for some considerable time, not just for the last 20 years since it was reclaimed," he said.

"Well before then it was used for sports pastimes, for quoit games, fairs, and as somewhere people can go for a walk, and so forth.

"It is quite immaterial how much of it they want to develop now.

"The city council would be hard-pressed to refuse further developments if the precedent is established."

Mr McCutcheon said that none of the parish councillors could recall anyone "knocking on their doors" wanting such homes in the village.

Gordon Gray, of Damha, said development of the complex would free up other properties in the village.

Following the hearing, at Durham Town Hall, the parties travelled to High Pittington to visit the site.

Government inspector Robert Barker expects to announce his verdict on the appeal in the coming weeks.