A NORTH-EAST schoolgirl who fought off three attackers in an underpass last year, will appear on BBC TV show Kilroy this morning.

Heidi Rogan, 15, from Thornaby, Teesside, was 14 when the attack happened, in Darlington.

In the debate on the show, filmed yesterday, Heidi describes the attack on her and how she defended herself using techniques learnt at the Kim Chungdokwan Taekwondo gym, in Darlington.

"I was nervous at first on the show, but it went well and I enjoyed it. I was asked if it was right for people to stick up for themselves if they are attacked, and I said it was right.

"Some other people there said it was wrong, because you could end up being killed if you stick up for yourself, but I would definitely do it again."

Heidi attends St Patrick's Comprehensive School, in Thornaby, and holds a first dan black belt in taekwondo.