A MUSEUM that pays tribute to east Cleveland's mining history is looking for volunteers.

The Tom Leonard Mining Museum, in Skinningrove, is closed until Easter, but there is plenty happening behind the scenes in preparation for it re-opening.

The museum has been given funding from the Awards for All programme, which will enable it to offer a range of activities to individuals interested in helping with the running of the museum during the coming year.

Volunteers get involved in a range of activities, including guiding visitors around the site, working at reception and helping to conserve the collection of artefacts.

A programme of talks and activities is planned at the museum for people interested in joining the team, starting on Wednesday.

Kate Brennan, marketing manager at the museum, has been organising a series of training sessions and said: "The museum relies on its volunteer team to open to the public, and the winter is a great time to get all our volunteers together.

"Thanks to the funding we have obtained recently, we have lots of plans for the winter season and people can get together and learn from speakers and each other about the different aspects of Cleveland's mining traditions."

Anyone interested in joining the team is asked to call Kate Brennan on (01287) 642970.