TWO young soldiers are back on home territory to talk about their experiences.

Michael Robe and Simon Eastwick, both 17, and from Sunderland, are spending a week at the city's Army Careers Information office, in Saville Place.

They are in the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, and are studying at the Army Technical Foundation College in Arborfield, Berkshire.

They are studying leadership, military and survival skills, as well as studying for National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs).

ATFC students also take part in sports and receive a full junior soldier's wage of £189 per week, depending on age.

Michael, from Pallion who went to Pennywell Comprehensive School, and Simon, from South Hylton, are both training to be aircraft technicians.

Warrant officer Bob Bath, senior recruiter at the Sunderland Army Careers Office, said: "If a young person is thinking about joining the Army but has questions, the best person to ask is someone of their own age from their home area."

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