A TEMPORARY ice rink has been hailed a success after helping to boost Christmas trade in Spennymoor.

The town centre rink will have attracted more than 4,000 skaters by the time it closes tomorrow night, with a disco on ice party.

A German-style Christmas market set up by Sedgefield Borough Council attracted 25,000 visitors in the lead up to the Christmas holidays.

Councillor Bill Waters, the council's lead member for regeneration, said: "The ice rink and Christmas market were not only a success but, more importantly, brought a lot of happiness to the people of not only Spennymoor and the borough, but throughout the region. It was wonderful to see the smiling faces of the children, many of whom have never previously had the opportunity to go ice skating.

"The town's economy has benefited, with one shopkeeper telling me it is the best Christmas he's ever had in Spennymoor. Overall, that is the general feedback from the majority of shopkeepers who have spoken to us."

Tickets for the party cost £5 and include skate hire, a commemorative mug and hot chocolate. Sessions are from 5.30pm to 7pm and 7pm to 8.30pm.