RESIDENTS are being invited to find out more about the future ownership and management of council housing in Hartlepool at three meetings in the town this week.

Presentations are to be made to the council's north, central and south neighbourhood forums.

More than a third of council homes in Hartlepool fall below the Government's "decent" homes standard that all social rented housing must meet by 2010, and tenants say they want homes of higher quality.

The council is hoping to transfer the ownership and management of its housing stock so that properties can be improved and maintained to a good standard. Existing tenants' rights would also be protected and they would be given assurances over future rent levels.

Consultation is being carried out to seek tenants' views and decide what form any stock transfer would take.

But tenants have to vote in favour of the transfer of housing, which is expected to take place next year.

The presentations to the three neighbourhood forums are part of the council's commitment to ensure that tenants are kept fully informed, at all stages, of the process.

The Central Forum meets at 10am, today, in the Civic Centre, the North Forum meets tomorrow at 10am in West View Community Centre, and the South Neighbourhood Forum meeting will be on Friday at 10am in Owton Manor Community Centre.

The forums, which meet every eight weeks, were set up by the council to enable residents to get more involved in local services.

People can attend to hear about plans for their area, and there is a chance to ask questions about issues of concern.