WOMEN in Hartlepool are being offered the chance to take part in a free course looking at first aid for babies and children.

Two one-day courses are planned for either later this month or early next month. Free childcare will be provided.

The courses are funded by New Deal for Communities (NDC), the Government Office for the North East and Hartlepool Borough Council. They are open to women living in the New Deal for Communities area in the town.

There will also be a short course in positive behaviour management.

The NDC area in Hartlepool has received £54m of Government money to spend during the next ten years on transforming an area from part of Hart Lane in the north of the town to Belle Vue in the south.

Julia Batra, programme manager for New Deal for Communities, said: "These free courses are aimed at women in the New Deal area who are interested in learning more about child care.

"There may well also be an opportunity later in the year for women interested in a career in childcare to study for a higher level of qualification."

For further details call Vanda Capaldi, women's opportunities co-ordinator, on (01429) 523513.