THE two newly-formed colleges at the University of Durham's Stockton campus are gearing up for major events.

Students at the Stockton campus are settling into their new colleges, known as George Stephenson and John Snow, and organising events similar to the established colleges in Durham, such as a charity week in February, dinners and balls.

It was decided the two colleges should be set up last year after the number of Stockton students had grown from 200 to more than 1,000 in ten years. Students at the main Durham University are split into colleges.

Matthew Smith, of Stephenson, and Louise McCathie, of Snow, were elected as college presidents and began their jobs last July. The paid posts are for one year. They are bringing the campus in line with the rest of the university, by making students feel a part of college life instead of separated from their Durham colleagues.

Sports and welfare officers were also elected for each college, with a "derby" football game between the two Stockton colleges recently, one of the biggest turn-outs of any of the university's sporting events.