GIFT vounchers are being offered to Richmondshire youngsters who prove themselves good citizens, following the honesty of two schoolboys.

The honesty voucher scheme was launched this week by PC Gary Lewis, youth action officer with North Yorkshire Police, after he heard how the youngsters, from Leyburn, owned up to accidental damage.

"The 14-year-olds accidentally caused slight damage to a building in Leyburn, but had the honesty to wait until the owners returned and apologise," said PC Lewis, who is based at Richmond police station.

"The incident was brought to the attention of the local police.

"However, we won't be taking any action over the damage - instead we want to reward the boys for their integrity."

Each good citizen will receive a £5 voucher under the scheme, sponsored by Leyburn Auto Discount and MacFarlane's newsagents, which supply the tokens.

"This voucher scheme is a way of showing how good, honest behaviour can be rewarded," said PC Lewis, who is involved in teaching citizenship in primary schools.

He hopes to expand the scheme to Richmond and Catterick. Any firms interested in providing vouchers can contact PC Lewis on (01609) 789342