VILLAGERS being given a say in the spending of £75,000 of regeneration cash are invited to a meeting this morning.

A range of funding projects is aiming to transform the former mining communities of Coundon and Leeholme, that have been plagued by crime and social problems in past years.

A Settlement Renewal Initiative will add £75,000 over the next three years to other grant schemes including Neighbourhood Renewal, the Single Regeneration Budget, and Surestart, a Government project targeting children under four and their families.

Avril Hamilton has already been appointed as SRI co-ordinator for the area and will outline issues to be tackled including economic growth, basic skills and education, the environment, accessibility and community capacity.

Village councillor Neil Stonehouse, the deputy leader of Wear Valley District Council, said: "When all these projects are in place they should make a tremendous difference to people's lives.

"Together with the grants there is the opportunity to add private and sector money which will bring big changes in Coundon and Leeholme."

The meeting is in the Grey Gardens community centre at 10am.