A RARE chance to join the elite ranks of the Blue Badge tourist guides has arisen - for the first time in eight years.

A year-long course is to be held by the Yorkshire Tourist Board leading to a qualification sought by tour operators and group visit organisers both nationally and internationally.

And although it costs £2,000 to take part, a qualified guide can end up making at least £125 a day - covering the course costs in a little over two weeks.

There are currently 43 Blue Badge guides in Yorkshire, some of them part-time, and the board has decided to run the course to bolster numbers.

"The Blue Badge is one of the top indicators of excellence in the tourism industry," said chief executive David Andrews yesterday.

"Tour operators know that when they employ a Blue Badge guide they are getting a highly-trained, professional, committed guide with specialised knowledge.

The course includes the cultural background of Britain, an in-depth knowledge of the region, communication and presentation skills for guiding on foot, on-site and by coach, as well as providing business and marketing skills.

The subjects covered include history, geography, geology, agriculture, countryside, flora and fauna, religion, industry and commerce, literature, architecture, arts, crafts and many other areas.

For further information or a copy of the prospectus and an application form, contact Susie Brindley on (01904) 708999.