THE Friends of Sedgefield Hardwick Country Park group is launching a book on the park, which is the subject of a regeneration scheme.

The 44-page illustrated book has been made funded with a grant from Durham County Historic Libraries.

Friends' chairman Jack Glendinning said the group hoped for a public launch of the book and felt that it would create a lot of interest.

"Those who have had an early opportunity of seeing the book have complimented us on our presentation, and remarked on how comprehensive the research had been in dealing with the parks history and its future," he said.

The park was developed after 1750 by owner John Burdon. The book gives an insight into the family, and the development of the many follies and the park.

A foreword has been provided by the president of the Friends group, Prime Minister and Sedgefield MP Tony Blair.

Pre-launch copies are available at £3.50 through the committee, or from secretary John Fitzpatrick on (01740) 621431 at £5, including postage.

On Thursday, Mr Glendinning, vice-chairman Tom Stubbs, secretary John Fitzpatrick, and treasurer John Hannon, met the Prime Minister at his constituency home and presented him with a copy of the book