A WISH list of spending projects drawn up by Sedgefield Town Council would have required a 42 per cent increase in its precept, members have been told.

Councillors decided they could not justify asking tax payers for such a big increase, so settled on a seven per cent rise.

The council's policy and resources committee met this week to discuss the precept for the coming year.

Committee chairman John Robinson said: "For the first time ever when we were looking at setting the precept, every committee decided on a wish list.

"This was a complete wish list of everything we would want to do if we were in heaven, but it was not at all set in tablets of stone."

He said that a one per cent increase in the precept would amount to a rise of £1,388, and a standstill budget would require a three per cent increase, equivalent to £4,164.

A 42 per cent rise would mean an extra £58,296 for the council.

He proposed a seven per cent increase, or £9,716.

That would give each of the three committees an extra £1,500, plus a £1,000 contingency.

For council tax payers in Sedgefield village it amounts to a increase of £6.23 a year for band D properties and £3.92 for band A homes.

Each of the committees, policy and resources, environment and community development, will now have to go back to their lists and prioritise projects.

Sedgefield Borough Council is meeting today to set its element of the council tax for next year.