A MAN accused of raping a prostitute told a jury yesterday he had not raped her in the back of his car.

Peter Thompson, 20, of Portman Street, Middlesbrough, is on trial at Teesside Crown Court accused of rape in August 2000 and intimidation in November last year. He denies both charges.

The prosecution claimed Mr Thompson agreed to pay the woman £30 for sex in his car at Cannon Park Industrial Estate, but lost his temper and, during two-and-a-half hours, raped her and forced other sexual indignities.

The woman said he threatened to kill her and tried to strangle her.

Mr Thompson told the jury yesterday he had not raped the woman, and that anything sexual which had happened between them had been with her consent.

He admitted being aggressive with the woman when he demanded his £30 back, saying he wanted to frighten her so she would return his cash. He said he needed it to buy drink for a party he was going to.

Mr Thompson said he had also been upset when the woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, told him to hurry up. He said she became annoyed at him for "taking my time" and when he made her get out of the car.

He denied putting his hands around her neck.

The trial continues.