AN INCIDENT-free Shrove Tuesday Ball Game except for bruises, torn clothing and the occasional naughty word, marked the spirit in which Sedgefield residents like to remember the 1,000 year old tradition. It even pleased the Police!

The only black mark so far as traditionalists were concerned was that the ball was out of the village for far too long.

In traditional manner, the ball, slightly larger than a cricket ball, appeared and the opener, 82-year-old Eleanor Auton was escorted to the bullring, where she passed the ball three times through the hoop.

The formalities over, it was all go for the rest of the afternoon with the ball followed by hordes of residents of both sexes and all ages who flashed from one side to the other of the village centre before being spirited away - to the annoyance of many who have followed the game for years.

It returned, was taken away again and was back in the centre for just a short while before the final flurry. Justin Fox claimed victory as once again the ball was passed through the bullring.

Mrs Auton, who has been closely connected with the business community of the village all her life, and whose family have followed the game for many decades, was delighted to have been honoured.

Later, it was estimated by one village enthusiast that the ball was away for at least two thirds of the afternoon and it was pointed out that the game was designed for Sedgefield village and not neighbouring communities.