THE organiser of the fast-growing Ryedale Festival in North Yorkshire is urging businesses and organisations to back it.

Vice-chairman Peter O'Malley said ideas for this year's event, which will be launched at a concert in May, are still be formulated.

"Its value to the economy of Ryedale in terms of visitor numbers and their spending has been estimated at many thousands of pounds. The festival is recognised as the premiere event of its kind in the North. Many people come to Ryedale to spend their holidays here during the festival," said Mr O'Malley.

The festival will run from July 11 to 29 and concerts and exhibitions will be held in a wide range of venues including Castle Howard, Duncombe Park, Settrington House, village churches and community halls.

Last year saw leading musicians Tamsin Little and Willard White taking part and a Glyndebourne-style opera performance held in the grounds of Hovingham Hall.

This year's festival will have an Austrian and Hungarian music theme said Mr O'Malley who is a former chairman of the Scottish International Children's Festival.