A SCHOOL'S bid to raise £25,000 by the end of the month has gained its MP's support.

Health Secretary Alan Milburn, who represents Darlington, is backing Longfield School's attempt to become a specialist sports college.

To bid for the special status the school must raise £50,000 before March 1.

If it is successful, it will receive more than £100,000 from the Government to help it develop its sporting facilities.

Any facilities built by the school would also be available for the community to use and The Northern Echo is supporting the school's ambitious plans.

So far, £25,000 has been raised, but the remainder must now be found.

The school's former headteacher, Dr Bill Ions, first had the idea of making Longfield a specialist sports college. Sadly, Dr Ions died in 2000 and the pupils and teachers at the school are now eager to carry out his wishes.

Mr Milburn said: "Longfield is a great school that has suffered the worst kind of bad luck with this bid.

"Raising £25,000 in such a short time is a tall, but not impossible, order.

"Sponsorship is an essential part of becoming a specialist school because it proves the strength of support in the initiative in the whole community.

"I support Longfield in everything they are doing to raise this money."

If the school cannot raise the money by March 1 it will not be able to bid for special status until later this year, when the Government may not offer as many incentives to schools.

Anyone business, organisation or individual who would like to pledge money to the campaign is asked to call the school, on (01325) 380815, or The Northern Echo on (01325) 505071.