A VIDEO games retailer is offering Teesside charities the chance of a top machine.

Chips, of Middlesbrough, is already donating a Nintendo 64 games pod, complete with monitor and games, to the Butterwick Children's Hospice, Stockton.

Now it has four more Sega Dreamcast games pods up for grabs and is inviting local charities to tell Chips why they should have one.

Nik Agar, joint managing director, said: "Just before Christmas we replaced all our Playstation One pods with Playstation 2 pods. We donated two machines to the James Cook University Hospital, one to the University Hospital of North Tees, one to Darlington Memorial and the fifth to the Friarage in Northallerton.

"Now we are replacing our Dreamcast pods with new Xbox machines.

"The pods cost us £1,000 each and although their store life has reached an end they will be a great asset to any charity which has teenage visitors."

Charities should write by March 20, explaining, in 150 words, why they should have one of the pods, to Chips, 63-65 Borough Road, Middlesbrough, TS1 3AA.