Satley WI - THE February meeting was held in the parish hall. Mrs M. Bell presided over 14 members. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Mrs S. White.

The speaker for the evening was Eric Landesbrough, a life long JP. After giving a brief talk on how he became a JP, Mr Landesbrough gave details of the type of cases dealt with by the magistrates court. Members, acting in groups of three, had to weigh up the evidence and then give a verdict. This proved to be quite a task and promoted quite a lot of conversation. Mrs J. Gould thanked Mr Landesbrough for a very enjoyable evening.

The hostesses for the evening were Mrs A. Carpenter and Mrs F. Scott. The raffle was won by Mrs H. Elstrop. The speaker judged the competition for a city photograph and the results were: 1. Mrs P. Gibson; 2. Mrs S. White; 3. Mrs F. Scott

Mr E. Curtis from Weardale Potteries will speak at the meeting on March 11, at 7.15pm, in the parish hall. The competition is for an unusual vase.

Catchgate WI

MRS Gallagher welcomed members to the meeting and accepted apologies from four members who were poorly.

The Golden Thread was read by Mrs Grainger. Business was then dealt with. Several members were visiting the new Gala Theatre at Durham to see Me and My Girl.

Mrs Storey is to be the delegate at the annual meeting in Stanley, accompanied by four members as visitors. Mrs Whitworth reported from the group committee meeting at Tantobie.

As the speaker could not attend, members unpicked lengths of the WI scarf to make into blankets for charity.

The competition for a decorative candle holder was won by Mrs Morecroft. The prize was donated by Mrs Cornforth. The raffle prize was donated by Mrs Henderson and won by Mrs Wilkinson.

Lanchester WI

VICE president Dorothy Cavanagh welcomed members and visitors to the February meeting.

The president Joyce Lanson sent an apology for absence. June Wallis read the minutes and the correspondence, which included the forthcoming annual meeting at the Civic Centre, Stanley, on March 26, tickets £2.50. June Wallis is to attend as delegate.

Information was given out about forming a darts or quiz team. Nancy Walker gave the reading, Smile. Pat Campbell gave the community centre report, which included the mention of notice boards in the centre for village events and an update of the widening of the drive to the car park.

The competition was won by Lillian Downs with Kathleen Horn, second. The raffle was won by Maureen Heron. A very interesting talk and demonstration followed on Kinescology, given by Pam Bracken.

Tea and biscuits ended a very enjoyable evening. The next meeting is on March 4. Everyone welcome including visitors.

Tantobie WI

MRS Smith welcomed members to the February meeting, Mrs D. Wallace read a Golden Thread.

The broth evening was a great success, thanks to Mr Oliver. Arrangements were made for the Little Theatre and group meeting.

A collection was made for our charity Meningitis Trust. Votes were taken for the new committee.

Carol Robson gave an interesting talk on her hobby, Dolls Houses and gave a wonderful display of the miniature scenes that she has created. Miss Goodfellow gave the vote of thanks and congratulated Carol on her skills.

The competition for a dressed doll was won by J. Wallace, V Smith and P. Goodfellow. The raffle was won by J. Wallace.

The next meeting is the AGM on March 18