Chester-le-Street TG - THE February meeting was opened by the chairman Doreen Yeates, who welcomed everyone.

The meeting began with the fire drill arrangements. A letter from Mary Myers was read to the members.

The speaker was Viola Makay, whose talk was entitled Journey To The End of the World, illustrated with slides. Olive Cowen gave the vote of thanks.

After refreshments, the secretary's and treasurer's reports were given. The NCM meeting in Cardiff, and arrangements for the AGM were discussed.

The door prize was won by Mavis Maddison. The winner of the competition was Jean McCann. The Federation Day and the table depicting the Hindu festival of Holi was discussed.

The social meeting was a special occasion and accessories evening. Everyone had a good time browsing through the items Christine and Marion had brought.

Cestria Afternoon WI

THE president June Ritson welcomed members to the February meeting. A report was given on the pie and peas supper held by Wentworth Park WI, which was an excellent night.

Members were reminded that nominations for the committee will be taken next month. The speaker was Norman Kelly whose talk was called Paint Your House with Powdered Milk. He gave tips on everyday things that most people have in their cupboards that can be used for stain removal, cleaning, polishing etc.

The raffle was won by Liz Coulson and the competition was won by June Ritson.

The speaker at the next meeting will be Canon Lyn Jamieson, the Gateshead Metro Centre's chaplain.