Four market traders who were told in the High Court last week that they could not sell their goods in pounds and ounces took their fight to the House of Lords today.

Lawyers representing Stephen Thoburn, from Sunderland, who are also acting on behalf of Colin Hunt, from Hackney, and Cornwall traders John Dove and Julian Harman, lodged a petition for leave to appeal.

They should hear in about eight weeks whether they will be able to make a final bid to reverse their criminal convictions for dealing in Imperial measures.

Neil Herron, a spokesman for the Metric Martyr Defence Fund, said: "We have to take the fight forward. This is the final domestic legal avenue that we have.

"It is of massive constitutional significance, what we are doing. We have four men who still have criminal convictions against their name.

"Everyone knows that the decision in the High Court was wrong, the customers know and so do the public.

"We believe the judgment was seriously flawed; what the judge has done is create a hierarchy of statutes."

Mr Herron, standing by the Churchill Statue in Parliament Square, London, before handing in the petition at a meeting in the House of Lords, went on: "It is a massive democratic issue, there are many men and women who fought and died to protect the right of what we are doing today.

"The Metric Martyrs have exposed exactly what their elected representatives have done in their name and without their consent.

"We are not going to let the politicians over-ride the will of the people."