FASHION students from the North-East have begun their quest to become the next generation of top designers.

Representatives from the Prince's Trust and Top Shop spent yesterday at Northumbria University where they talked to final year students about the opportunities available through Graduate Fashion Week, the national event they both support.

They chatted to fashion design and fashion marketing students and looked at their portfolios to see whether they could spot any of the stars of the future.

Douglas Maclennan, head of fashion and textile design at the university, said: "Graduate Fashion Week is the premier event for launching fashion graduates on to the international job market.

"We find that a lot of students find jobs from participating in the event, and last year one of them walked into a job with MaxMara as a direct result of exhibiting."

About 35,000 fashion industry representatives and members of the public are expected to attend this year's event, which will run from June 10 to 13 at Battersea Park, in London.

Some of the 52 students will be taking part in the show that launches the event and the rest will be exhibiting their work at the university's own trade stand.