GIANT chess pieces to brighten up Bishop Auckland's main shopping street should be in place by summer.

Artist Richard Broderick's designs for seats, bins and bollards are inspired by the Prince Bishops who once ruled from Auckland Castle. The knight and bishop chess pieces will form an integral part of improvements to the town centre.

Four artists were commissioned by the Bishop Auckland Town Centre Forum and Northern Arts to come up with ideas for street furniture, and Richard's designs were chosen by the public.

Mr Broderick, from Artscope, is adding the final touches to his designs by working with local art and design students, the Wear Valley Writers group and Woodhouse Close Young Voices youth group.

Iona McCutcheon, from Groundwork East Durham, which is running the scheme, said the pieces should be in place by the end of summer and then artists will begin designing sculptures for the town. Work has started on making the shopping area more pedestrian-friendly.

People can meet the artist and comment on the designs at an open day next Tuesday, between 2pm and 8pm, at The Discovery Centre, behind Bishop Auckland Town Hall.