RIVER CONCERN Residents attending the meeting drew attention to the rapidly deteriorating condi-tion of the River Leven through the town.

Suggestions were put forward for improvements. The main criticisms came from the Levenside Association, which was concerned at rubbish thrown into the water and around the riverbanks, mess from ducks, overgrown trees and dead wood blocking the water flow, insufficient water, and the destruction of grass verges by parked vehicles.

The association put forward proposals, including a greater effort to involve local schoolchildren in keeping the area clean, employing a paid part-time warden, and a cull of the ducks. Stokesley Pride in our Town Association would welcome volunteers to help in a clean up of the Leven on Saturday. Volunteers are asked to meet at the town bridge at 9.30am.

SKATEBOARD BID: County councillor Caroline Seymour said that following a recent initial meeting of a group set up to explore the possibility of getting a skateboard/BMX facility in Stokesley, all options were being considered. The chief difficulty was to find a suitable site. After that, grants could be sought.

ACCESS CHANGE: Plans have been received from North Yorkshire County Council showing the proposed relocation of pedestrian access to the primary school by The Pound, in Springfield Road.

Some councillors were critical, but Coun Seymour approved, while Coun George Carter felt that, apart from a few cars at that site in the morning and afternoon, there were no great problems for pedestrians. The comments will be sent to County Hall.

For a full report, see tomorrow's Darlington

and Stockton Times