PEOPLE in the region are being urged to follow in the footsteps of a pensioner who trekked in the Himalayas for charity.

John Hassan, 72, from Guisborough, climbed the Himalayas and travelled through Nepal to raise funds for the British Heart Foundation and collected almost £3,000.

He said it was the trip of a lifetime and the charity is looking for new recruits to take part in treks this year. "It was such a fantastic experience and I am still reflecting on it. I would recommend going on a British Heart Foundation World Challenge to anyone," he said.

Treks and bike rides on offer this year and next year include visiting the source of the Ganges, China's vanishing world, the Grand Canyon and Borneo.

There is also the opportunity to go on a Lochs and Glens weekend, take up the three volcano challenge in Italy or join the Granada to Seville bike ride.

Anyone interested should call 0800 5872606 for details.