WENSLEYDALE has its own website, thanks to the local business association and Yorkshire Forward.

Leyburn and Mid-Wensleydale Business Association received help from the regional development agency's foot-and-mouth business recovery fund so that all entries on the site could be changed, or deleted.

The site was built in 1997, but it could not be updated easily, or provide speedy access to relevant areas of inquiry, said chairman, Councillor Margaret Knight.

But the new site includes a link to the website promoting Leyburn's Dales Festival of Food and Drink, in early May.

The site portrays mid-Wensleydale as an ideal location for exploring a large area of the Yorkshire Dales. It is hoped it will help to attract people back after the foot-and-mouth epidemic, last year.

There are also links to the websites of Upper Wensleydale, Swaledale and Arkengarthdale and Richmond Tourism and Business Association and the tourist information centre.

For details visit the site at wensleydale.net or call Coun Knight, on (01969) 622632.