CLIENTS at one of the region's most successful centres for adults with learning disabilities played host to scores of visitors yesterday when they staged their annual open day.

Attenders at the Durham Centre at Aykley Heads had spent weeks preparing for the event and within a few hours of opening, hand-made gifts and produce were sold out.

The open day provided an opportunity for clients not only to show their skills, but to demonstrate their energetic ability to raise funds.

Visitors were given the chance to see the recently improved premises before viewing and buying a host of produce from greeting cards to hand-painted glassware.

Unit manager Maria Parle said the event was left entirely in the hands of the centre's clients' committee, which over the years has raised thousands of pounds.

"The day provides an opportunity for attenders to display their many abilities and helps them to raise money for items which they decide they would like," she said.

Chairman of the 12-strong committee, Stephen Ogden, was delighted with the success of the open day.

Some of the money raised this year has been earmarked for valeting the centre's new minibuses.