A TOWN shopping centre is stubbing out smoking from next month.

The Queen Street Shopping Centre, in Darlington, will become a no-smoking area from Wednesday, May 1.

Rory Butler, of St Martins, which runs the shopping centre, said: "We want Queen Street to be a welcoming and safe place, and preventing smoking will make the centre pleasanter for most shoppers.

"Over three-quarters of the population does not smoke. Many find smoking annoying and cigarette smoke can cause real problems for people with respiratory diseases, such as asthmatics.

"We try to be a child-friendly centre and cigarettes held at their head level can be hazardous to small children - to say nothing of their breathing in smoke."

It is also hoped that once the Queen Street arcade is anti-smoking it will be easier to keep clean.

Officials say about a third of all litter is smoking-related, and there will be less ash and fewer butts to clean up once the ban is enforced.

The paintwork and other surfaces will also remain cleaner for longer.

Notices informing shoppers of the smoking ban will be in place for up to a month to give smokers adequate warning that soon they will have to stub out before entering the building.