A council has been criticised for plans to close its only theatre.

The Theatres Trust has written to complain about Stockton Borough Council's consultation procedure over closure plans for Billingham Forum.

Catherine Croft, of the trust, described the Forum as a building of very great historic interest, with "an extremely successful and attractive theatre".

The council plans to knock down the Forum, sell off the site as a supermarket, and build a new leisure and learning facility on the nearby John Whitehead Park.

An ice rink, sports facilities and swimming pool would be rebuilt, but there would not be another theatre created on the new site.

Ms Croft said: "A supermarket will be a poor substitute for the vibrant social and cultural focus that the Forum brings to the heart of Billingham.

"If the proposals proceed, you will be sacrificing the best thing that Billingham has going for it."

She also criticised the council's consultation document from last February.

Her letter said: "We feel it is not worded or constructed in a manner which would allow proper debate of the significance of the theatre facilities."

Alex Cunningham, council cabinet member for education and leisure, said: "We have written to thank the trust for its comments and invited its representatives to meet us.

"The fact is that running a commercial theatre can only continue in Billingham if funding running into millions of pounds becomes available. The Theatres Trust is not able to offer this.

"The questionnaire did give respondents the opportunity to add their own suggestions and comments on the proposals. Over 3,000 were returned and these are currently being analysed. We expect to receive a report on the results later this month.