A PRISONER who made a daring escape from a security van is still on the run tonight - as police tried to reassure the public that he posed no threat.

Daniel Crane, 22, broke free from a Group 4 security vehicle just minutes after he appeared before magistrates in Scarborough, North Yorkshire.

Crane, who was jailed for three-and-a-half years in 1999 for burgling the homes of pensioners, was being transported to Northallerton prison when he managed to escape at about 3.15pm on Monday.

Group 4 has launched its own investigation into the incident, which happened on Stepney Road, the A170, just outside Scarborough.

Yesterday, a police spokesman insisted: "There is no specific threat that he poses to members of the public, although he shouldn't be approached and anybody sighting anyone of his description, or someone they believe to be Daniel Crane, should contact their local police station."

Crane, from Scarborough, is about 5ft 10in tall, with short brown hair and a scar on the front of his neck. He speaks with a Liverpool accent.

At the time of his escape he was wearing a white sweatshirt, blue or black jeans, black shoes and a dark-coloured coat which he later discarded.

A spokesman for Group 4 refused to comment on how the incident occurred, but said: "It is now in the hands of the police as they will be responsible for bringing him into custody."

Prisoners are kept in individual compartments inside Group 4 vans, but are not normally handcuffed. Two security personnel usually travel with them.

Crane was sentenced to a prison term at York Crown Court in July 1999. He had burgled the homes of three Scarborough women, aged 84, 85 and 89.

Judge Michael Mettyear told him: "Whether these elderly women will ever get over the experience we will never know."

Anyone with information about Crane should contact police on (01723) 500300.