TWO of four men accused of murder will be released on bail today.

Pipefitter Phillip McGibbon, of Linnet Road, Throston, Hartlepool, died from head injuries after an incident in Church Street, Hartlepool, on October 7 last year.

Four men have been charged with his murder and appeared at Teesside Crown Court yesterday for a hearing regarding custody time limits, which were due to expire today.

Neil Dixon, 25, of Saddleston Close; Christopher Dixon, 23, of Everett Street; Matthew Worthy, 21, of Church Street; and Stephen Worthy, 24, of Tennyson Avenue, all Hartlepool, deny murder.

After hearing submissions from Christopher Attwooll, prosecuting, and defence counsel for the four defendants, Judge Peter Fox extended the custody time limits for the Dixon brothers.

But he refused to make the same order for the Worthy brothers.

He ruled the prosecution had not acted with "due diligence" in disclosing witness statements.

He said the Worthy brothers were to be released on bail today.

The trial, estimated to last four weeks, is due to begin on May 7.