THE RSPCA is appealing for information after a badly injured cat was discovered zipped up in a hold-all at the bottom of cliffs.

The ginger tom suffered a broken pelvis and back leg after it was thrown from the top of the cliffs at Hendon Docks, Sunderland.

It was found on Sunday wedged between rocks by a member of the public.

It was taken by RSPCA animal collection officer Dave Dawson to Blythman's Veterinary Practice, Elsdon Road, Gosforth, Newcastle, where it is recovering after emergency treatment.

Mr Dawson said: "It was only by luck that this poor cat was discovered as the stretch of beach where the hold-all was spotted is well off the beaten track. Whoever threw that animal off the cliff intended it to die, but the cat survived the fall and lay in agony for hours before he was found and taken to safety."

Anyone with information about the incident should call the RSPCA on (08705) 555999