THE actress daughter of North Yorkshire MP Phil Willis was recovering yesterday after being punched in the face as a mugger escaped with her mobile phone.

Rachel Willis, who plays computer girl Connie in the TV advertisements for Internet provider AOL, was mugged in daylight as she returned to her home, in south London.

The 26-year-old model, a former pupil of York's Manor School, was talking to her mother when the attacker grabbed the phone from her at 6.30pm on Tuesday.

Her father, Phil Willis, the Liberal Democrat MP for Harrogate and Knaresborough, said his daughter suffered bruising to her leg and face, and was left shocked and angry by the ordeal.

Mr Willis, who shares a flat with his daughter, said: "You hear daily of assaults and muggings, but never think it will happen to someone in your own family. She was obviously shaken and is incredibly angry.

"She was on the phone to her mother at the time of the attack. Her mother heard her screams and then the line went dead.

"My wife was very distressed and paged me in the House of Commons. I had to set off and try and find her. Luckily, someone helped escort her home.

"She is bruised on her leg and on her face, where she was punched. I am extremely angry about this. She was determined to go to work today, but as we walked through the estate she was very nervous."

Miss Willis also starred in the Bruce Willis movie The Fifth Element and runs a model agency in London.