A FATHER-OF-THREE who has worked with victims of crime for more than a decade has been named Darlington's Citizen of the Year.

Michael Nicholson, 42, of Coleridge Gardens, was awarded the honour by the Mayor of Darlington, Councillor Isobel Hartley.

Since 1988, Mr Nicholson has worked for Darlington Victim Support, helping people who are victims of crime come to terms with their ordeal.

He has also worked as a volunteer at Darlington Memorial Hospital and for the council's social services department.

Mr Nicholson sits on the health scrutiny panel at Darlington Borough Council and has been vice-chairman of Darlington Residents' Panel since 1994.

A single parent for seven years, he has raised three children as well as contributing to the community.

Coun Hartley presented him with a trophy and certificate in recognition of his work at a ceremony at the town hall.

He was given a £200 cheque for a charity of his choice.

Mr Nicholson said: "I am really pleased to receive the award. I think we are all winners. There are a lot of unsung heroes in the community. I look for the good in everyone. I started doing voluntary work because I wanted to put people first.

"If you can help someone in life I think that you have got to do it. If I can help or ease somebody's problems, then that is job satisfaction for me."

The winner of community group of the year was Cockerton and Branksome Living Enterprise. Darlington SOS was highly commended for group of the year.

Highly commended for Citizen of the Year was Martin Landers, who was commended for his leadership at the Red Hall Partnership.

Dr Peter Carr was also praised for his work with patients at Darlington Memorial Hospital.

The community awards have proved so successful that the council hopes to run them again next year