A VILLAGE chapel hit by petty vandalism and anti-social behaviour by schoolchildren is offering the hand of friendship to culprits by trying to establish a youth club.

The Reverend Elizabeth Clark, minister of Grewel-thorpe Methodist Chapel, near Ripon, has joined forces with an Anglican clergyman, the Reverend Matthew Evans, to apply to the Yorkshire and Humberside Churches' Regional Commission for cash to set up the club.

In the latest incidents at the chapel schoolroom, children flung open a door during a concert by the Wesley Singers, from Leeds. There were cat calls and an attempt to mimic the singing. This was followed by knocks on the door and noise outside.

Ms Clark said: "They are youngsters doing what youngsters do. There is nothing for them in the village, which is why we are looking at a chapel and church to get some youth work."

She said if the bid for funding was successful, sessions for youngsters could be held in the chapel schoolroom.

Ms Clark is also hoping that the venture could involve the neighbouring village of Kirkby Malzeard