JUBILEE PLANS: Villagers in Ireshopeburn are preparing for celebrations to mark the Queen's golden jubilee.

On Saturday, May 18, an exhibition of royal memorabilia will be on display in Ireshopeburn Literary Institute from 10am to 5pm. Entry is £1.

On Sunday, a car boot sale will be held at the Weardale Inn, Ireshopeburn, to raise funds for jubilee celebrations.

This year's Rookhope Carnival, on Sunday, June 2, will also have a jubilee theme.

BENCH DAMAGE: A new bench in Wolsingham market place has been vandalised.

The police crime report for last month noted that the bench had been damaged by children.

A caravan being used as a temporary office on Wolsingham showground was set on fire by vandals.

Police had to deal with 16 crimes in the dale in April, most involving vehicles.

In Tow Law, ten crimes were reported - one involving the theft of an ornamental sheep from a wall.

LAUNCH DATE: The responders scheme to provide back-up for doctors and paramedics still needs volunteers.

Four teams of responders will be based at Wolsingham, Stanhope, St John's Chapel and Rookhope, with the intention of providing 24-hour emergency health care.

LIBRARY CLOSED: Wolsingham library will be closed for four days from Monday, May 27, for redecoration.