A CANOE believed to belong to a man who went missing more than six weeks ago has washed up on the North Sea coast.

The red craft called Orca, belonging to John Darwin, was found in pieces in the North Gare area of Seaton Carew, Hartlepool, at about 5.30pm on Tuesday.

The local inshore lifeboat, the coastguard and a police spotter plane carried out a search of the area and a yellow waterproof jacket was also found.

Father-of-two Mr Darwin, 51, of The Cliff, Seaton Carew, has not been seen since March 21, when he went out in the canoe from the beach in front of his home.

A paddle was found last month, but since then there had been no further clue to Mr Darwin's fate.

Inspector Martin Cook, of Hartlepool police, said: "The canoe we found was in two or three parts. The family attended the scene. There is still no sign of Mr Darwin."

Rescuers have admitted that the chances of finding him alive are practically nil