POLICE have issued an e-fit picture of one of three men who robbed a man of his £12,000 Rolex watch at knifepoint.

Motorist Gianni Ross "feared he would die" when he was robbed in a layby on the A67, near Darlington, on Sunday.

Mr Ross pulled into a layby close to the Old Farmhouse pub after another car driver flashed his lights at him just after 6.45pm.

The driver carried on, but Mr Ross stopped to check his lights and found that an indicator was not working.

As he worked on the car, a man came up behind him brandishing a large knife and making threats.

He stripped off Mr Ross's jewellery, including his watch and sovereign ring, and passed it to two accomplices who shielded him from the view of passing motorists.

The three thieves then jumped into a K-registration BMW and drove off towards Darlington.

Mr Ross said: "I didn't know whether I was going to get killed or not. He was starting to get angry when I couldn't get my sovereign ring off."

The robbers were all in their 30s. The man carrying the knife was described as Afro-Caribbean. He wore a petrol blue tracksuit and spoke with a Yorkshire or southern accent.

The second man was also Afro-Caribbean, and wore a powder blue tracksuit.

The third man was believed to be Brazilian. He wore large earrings, a thick gold chain around his neck, a light suit and a Panama hat.

Detectives in Darlington are appealing for information about the robbery. Contact Detective Constable Jo Slater, on (01325) 467681, or Crime-stoppers on 0800-555111.