RIOT police were called to a hospital yesterday after a patient lost his temper while waiting to see a doctor.

Patients in the accident and emergency department at Middlesbrough General Hospital were moved to safety.

The 32-year-old man, who was waiting for medical assessment, reportedly smashed two large windows. He then hurled jagged shards of glass at patients, visitors, hospital staff - and police officers who arrived at the scene.

The patient then locked himself in a side room at the hospital and a stand-off continued for half an hour until a trained negotiator calmed the situation.

A spokeswoman for Cleveland Police said: "We can confirm police were called to an incident at Middlesbrough General Hospital.

"A 32-year-old man has been arrested and will be questioned."

Middlesbrough General Hospital played the episode down last night.

A spokeswoman said: "This incident was dealt with extremely quickly. A patient locked himself in a side room in Middlesbrough General Hospital's accident and emergency department.

"The police were immediately called, the situation was pretty quickly and safely brought under control."

She said neither staff nor patients were injured, but added: "As a precaution, patients were moved to safety."

The man who emerged at the end of the drama had a cut on his leg