A FORMER coal mining community has rallied to record its history in a £6,000 book project.

The idea for the book, The Thornley Coal Company - owners of Thornley, Ludworth and Wheatley Hill Collieries, originated from a member of the Wheatley Hill History Club after he conducted research into the firm.

After two years of work by the community, the first copies are about to be printed.

Margaret Hedley, chairwoman of the club, said the project had really inspired people.

"A lot of people felt they hadn't a lot of skills to offer and I think we did well in getting them on board," she said.

To help pay for 500 copies of the book, the club secured funding from the Tomorrow's History Project, the Small Projects Fund, the Coalfields Regeneration Fund and the North-East Miners' Welfare Trust Fund.

It also held fundraising events to generate £6,000.

Ms Hedley said of the book: "It covers the whole time of the Thornley Coal Company from 1830 to 1885. We have done it in newspaper article form and it makes really interesting reading, because the company was involved in every aspect of the community, even the judicial system."

The club hopes to use proceeds from sales for a second volume, covering the period of the Weardale Coal and Coke Company, from 1885-1947.

The book is available from Ms Hedley by sending a cheque for £10 plus £2 postage and packing to Broadmeadows, Durham Road, Wheatley Hill, DH6 3LJ, or at the club's Local History Day, on May 11, at Wheatley Hill Workingmen's Club.