THE British Army's dedication to the Queen is to be set in stone in North Yorkshire.

The 5th Battalion of the Royal Mechanical and Electrical Engineers (REME) has already used military precision to lift a three-tonne lump of sandstone from the ranges near Catterick Garrison.

The rock is to be mounted on a plinth on the base's Coronation Park in time for a service of dedication on Saturday, May 18, which marks 50 years since the land was first dedicated in honour of the Queen's accession to the throne.

The ceremony this year follows the annual Coronation Park Community Work Day, which usually sees soldiers and civilians link up to tidy the recreational area and improve the immediate environment.

This year, the clean-up is planned between 9am and 1pm; the dedication service will follow at 1.15pm, with a free barbecue offered to volunteers after that.

"Coronation Park is one of the focal points within Catterick Garrison, and is a wonderful open space where everyone, both civilian and military, can enjoy their leisure time," said the garrison commander, Colonel Nick Gaskell.

Anyone interested in helping with the clean-up can contact Major Paddy Ennis on (01748) 872004 or Bill Pritchard on (01748) 872005.