V Graham Norton (C4): YOU could only fear for Graham Norton's future. Once a week on Friday nights had established him as a talk show presenter for whom anything goes. But could he keep it up five times a week?

It's difficult not to slip into Norton's vernacular. He thrives on innuendo and off-colour gags like a camp Irish Max Miller. Any show that features a game called Tossing The Pouffe (as in throwing about a piece of soft furnishing - what else did you think?) declares its tone up-front.

The host himself set out his agenda: "I'm going to be with you five nights a week throughout the summer - a bit like thrush".

It was good to see that Bafta award-winning Norton hadn't abandoned the Friday night format of audience confessions, guest stars and remarkably silly games.

Already we've had people wearing silly hats and competing in a Pets V People contest. Debbie claimed she could run faster than her hamster, while Kerry and her dog competed to see who could dial a phone number the quickest.

In the Pouffe tossing competition, poor Vernon faces a week of tasks. Having his head shaved and getting a tattoo were the first two. He arrived back with an image of Petula Clark on his buttock, in tribute to Norton's guest.

Clark has already appeared on virtually every other show around and that could be a problem for Norton in the future. Filling the guest seat every night isn't going to be easy.

Still, the studio audience seem as game as ever to reveal naughty secrets and, in the case of Neil, hidden talents. He'd brought along his horn, a word that's like manna from heaven to Norton. "You put your lips on it and blow," Neil told the presenter, amid much merriment.

Like many of Norton's guests, Petula looked a bit baffled by what was going on but gamely joined in a chorus of Downtown with Neil and his horn. And, of course, there's a permanent reminder of her appearance on Vernon's bottom