A GROUP set up to attract funding to a Darlington estate has been launched.

MP Alan Milburn was the guest of honour at the launch of the Red Hall Partnership, which has been operating since last October.

As well as attracting funding to the area, the partnership hopes to set up community groups and address concerns of residents on the estate.

The partnership is funded by money from the Single Regeneration Budget and is a registered charity.

Residents and community workers who run the partnership have already attracted more than £7,000 for projects in the area.

Among those activities already funded is a residential course for young people to teach them canoeing and rock climbing. Future projects include glass painting, a Queen's golden jubilee celebration day and a gardening scheme.

The partnership has also distributed £10,000 of Government money to groups working on the estate.

Martin Landers, chairman of the initiative, said: "The partnership gives people who live in the estate a real chance to make a positive difference to their lives and the lives of their families.

"It is great to be involved in giving people the chance to experience opportunities they otherwise might not have known.