PEOPLE wanting to live in the Kirkleatham Almshouses are being invited to apply for a place.

The 325-year-old building has just undergone a £1.7m renovation and each cottage or flat comprises a living room, bedroom, bathroom and fitted kitchen. All have central heating, a 24-hour warden call system and are fully carpeted. Ground floor cottages also have small gardens.

Accommodation is available for single people and married couples. They must be over 63 and preferably be Church of England members.

To qualify, they must also have an identifiable need - such as isolation, a lack of security, harassment or being in receipt of housing benefit.

Rents vary from £43 to £65 per week, plus bills.

Peter Sotheran, chairman of the board of trustees, said: "Successful applicants must be capable of maintaining their personal independence, cooking and cleaning for themselves. While the resident warden is a qualified first aider, there are no trained staff to assist with medication or to supervise people with incapacitating illnesses. Although every staircase has a stairlift, the building is not suitable for people with serious mobility problems."

For further information call (01642) 482828.

* The East Cleveland Advertiser, The Northern Echo's sister paper, is running a campaign to raise money to develop a garden for the benefit of the wider community.