Redcar builder Malcolm Daniels is facing his biggest ever challenge - rebuilding his life and the lives of others.

The 65-year-old stroke victim wants to set up a stroke support group.

Seven months after losing the use of the left hand side of his body, Mr Daniels has almost made a complete recovery and wants to help others.

He came out of hospital only to find that although Middlesbrough has a stroke support group, neighbouring Redcar and Cleveland has no such facilities.

Mr Daniels said: "After a stroke you have more in common with the people on the ward than even your own family because they are sharing your experiences.

"Often you want to keep in touch to encourage and help each other recover.

"I decided to start the group to ensure there is support for people when they come out of hospital. I want to be there for people, visit them and help them get better," he said.

Mr Daniels was helped on his road to recovery by his neighbour - a physical training instructor with the army.

The family building firm is in the process of being wound up in the wake of the stroke.

Mr Daniels has three other people interested in the support group so far, including a nurse he met on the ward. He wants to hear from people in the borough who have suffered a stroke and anyone else interested in being involved.

Volunteers would visit stroke sufferers, write letters to people and help with administration work for the group.

For further information, call (01642) 482154.