OBSERVERS from across the UK will converge on Teesside today to see how one town is literally slamming the door on crime.

The success of Middlesbrough's scheme of gating off back alleys, to ensure that only residents, council workers and emergency services have access, is being used as a model for the rest of the country.

Delegates from other areas of the country will see a working example, talk to residents and see gates being manufactured at the Hartlepool works of Expamet.

A conference in Middlesbrough will look at the impact that schemes in Middlesbrough and other parts of the country are having on bringing down crime.

Brian Neal, from Safe in Tees Valley, said: "The Middlesbrough alleygate project has given us substantial experience and expertise in implementing and managing alleygate schemes.

"Safe in Tees Valley together with Government Office North-East and Middlesbrough Council is delighted to support this conference which will allow us to share that experience.